


There are many voices interpreting the world situation today as a scenario for “the end of the world” and the return of the Lord. Some of these can be confusing.

The purpose of the Book of Revelation is to reveal Jesus – the coming redeemer King - and the triumph of His kingdom. Some see it as a book of destruction and disaster, others as a book that offers hope in troubled times. Does the Book of Revelation describe total destruction or the final triumph of the Kingdom of God? The answer we give to this question will determine whether we live in dread or hope.

If we see the Book of Revelation as a book of destruction, we will see the disrupting events of our times as expressions of Gods’ anger with the world. However, if we see it as a book which points to God’s ability to bring His Kingdom to earth, we will see it in an entirely different light. It describes events which will expose the inadequacy of the present man-centered world order and reveal the absolute necessity for the return of the Messiah. It describes the triumph of His Kingdom when He comes to redeem the world - what Paul calls the redemption of the creation. (Romans 8.22-24)

The era of man’s mismanagement of the world is definitely crumbling, and the era of godly, love directed management of the world will come with the Lord’s return. The “elements” Peter speaks about (2 Peter 3.10) are not to be confused with the chemical elements that make up the physical world, but they are the organizational principle’s and systems that control the present world order. The word elements (‘stoicheon’ in Greek) could better be translated as “systems.” The present systems that govern our lives today – governmental, financial, educational etc. are failing, but God is preparing a new rule upon the earth – the Kingdom of God. In that day all these systems will be brought under His dominion.

Peter says that we should respond to the reality of the shakiness of the world order by living godly lives. John says that we should come out of Babylon. Both Peter in his letter and John in the Book of Revelation are telling us the same thing: we are us not to put our trust in man’s shaky systems but in God’s faithfulness. We are to live godly and holy lives based on His promises and values and consciously renounce the values and measurements of the present world order. We are called to be the Bride getting ready for her Bridegroom and the ’wise virgins' putting oil in our lamps - being filled with the Spirit - as we look to a better order of things than the values of this hedonistic, materialistic world in which we live.

The advance of God’s Kingdom that has been progressing slowly since the call of Abraham and above all since the arrival of Jesus will reach its conclusion when the Lord returns. Then the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our God and of His Messiah. (Rev. 11.15)

The present “systems” (elements) will ultimately fail because they are governed by principles that are not aligned with God’s ways. They will buckle under the heat of the pressure to cope with the problems of the world today. They can only succeed when they are brought into perfect partnership with God. Human nature and God’s nature will finally be brought into perfect harmony and cooperation.

Heaven is coming to earth and the plans of God, revealed in the words of the prophets and in the covenants will be established. King Jesus will rule from Jerusalem as King over the world with His people - His Bride, who will be like Him in nature and life. This is the ‘Blessed Hope’!!!!

“Come Lord Jesus!”

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