

Friday, July 24, 2020

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Most people are familiar with the story of the talents. One man was given five talents and other two and another one. The men with the five talents and two talents were praised for using their talents well and rewarded with more. The one with only one talent, however, because of inferiority, fear and laziness did not use his talent and was rebuked by the Master upon his return.
On the other hand, how pleased the Lord would be if all the one talented people were grateful to have something to contribute and used it with a smile and with love.

Imagine a church of 100 people where one member has five talents, another two and the rest have only one talent each. The church would have a total of one hundred and five talents. If the ones with the five talents and two talents use their talents and the 98 with one talent refuse to use their talents then there will be only seven talents functioning in the church. But if all 100 hundred people use their talent there will be 105 talents working in the church. The church will be 15 times - 1500 per cent - more talented!

The one talent person is the boy who gave five loaves and two fish, while the great apostles urged people to go away. Five thousand people were fed because he used his ‘one talent’ and we still read about it today. The one talent person are the people like Simon, the Tanner who opened his house in Joppa and became the bridge for the gospel to go to the gentiles. The one talent person is Lydia at Thyatira who made it possible for Paul and Silas to minister in Philippi and became a key to the revival and in that town. The one talent person is Paul's unnamed nephew who saved his life and made it possible to fulfil his last and most fruitful years of ministry.

Let’s hear it for the one talented Christian! They are the ones who visit people in the hospital, send a book of inspiration to a relative a friend or a prisoner. They give a tract to the stranger with a word of encouragement. They welcome you into their homes, they listen to your problems. They bring the pie and the smile to the church meal. They give a ride to the teenager. They serve the meal at the homeless center. They send the birthday card, they sing in the third row of the choir. They send out the mailers, forward the emails, answer the phone, welcome the outsider, invite people to the meeting, pack the shoe box, give a donation, share the gospel with a neighbor, go to the prayer meeting, steal time with the Lord to pray for their family and city and for the laborers in the field.

Isn’t it time we focused on the 98 percent of the church with one talent rather than on the one percent with 5 talents. Without the one talented person 98% of ministry of the church would cease. There would in fact be no Body of Christ. Though Covid has shut down much of the five talent ministry who can stop the ministry of the one talent workers!

Their names are not famous, their deeds are not trumpeted, but when the Master returns He will not be frustrated but will say to them, “Well done good and faithful servants, I now entrust you with so much more.” `
Perhaps the church of the future will be arranged around the 98 people with one talent rather than the 2 people with multiple talents. If you have one talent use it – it is vital that you do!

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