
Preparing The Way Of The Lord

Friday, September 25, 2020

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            For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see God continues to speak to the world today through the nation of Israel.  He is doing this especially through the ongoing fulfillment of the Feasts of the Lord – some call the Feasts of Israel.
       The days between  Rosh Hashanah  (Biblical New Year or Head of the Year) and Yom Kippur (The Day Of Atonement)  in the Jewish faith are known as Days of Awe. They are  days of repentance.  During this time the Lord  is once again calling for us to recognize His hand at work.
        The week before the Jewish New Year the whole world saw the signing of the amazing  Abrahamic Peace Deal.  We witnessed the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac recognize and bless each other.  Tony Blair and many other voices in Israel and around the world have since declared this will lead eventually to peace with the Palestinians.  They are becoming more isolated and will see their need to recognize the Nation of Israel and the legitimacy of Israel’s return to  the Land, and consequently they will themselves be blessed.  “I will bless those who bless thee and in you ALL THE NATIONS on the earth shall be blessed.”  (Gen. 12)
         During this years’ Days of Awe (on Sat 26th) there will be a Day of Repentance in Washington led by numerous Christian leaders and groups.  This event is being screened worldwide from 9 am – 9 p.m. so that all can participate as lead.  Our need at this time for repentance (change or return) is clear as we see strife, protest and accusation fill our streets, political discourse and airways.  We are being called to cry out to the Lord for His Mercy, His Power to forgive, to  love our enemies and change what needs to be changed.  May we catch a glimpse of what He sees can be – the Peace on Earth He wants to bring.
    As we see the Lord continue to unfold His plan through events in Israel we believe the time is close for all to “look on Him whom they have pierced” (Zech. Ch. 12)   and to welcome their Messiah King David back to take His Throne -  not just in Jerusalem but in our hearts.
         “Prepare ye the way of the Lord – make straight His paths”  (Mark 1.3)

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