
The Extraordinary Significance Of Purim 2024

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

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This year it is more important than ever to know the meaning and history of the Jewish Feast Of Purim (March 23rd & 24th) As Mordecai said to Queen Esther. "Perhaps YOU are in the kingdom for such a time as this,"

The Feast of Purim is celebrated each year at this time by Jewish people and their friends worldwide. It recalls a vicious effort (in the year 509 BC.) to exterminate the Jewish people completely. At that time the Jews were in exile from their land and living in Babylon under the Persian rule of King Ahasuerus. His prime minister, Haman, devised a brutal plot to annihilate the Jewish people in a way similar to the Hitler's 20th century extermination plan against the Jews.

Haman's plot was exposed by one of the Jewish exiles, Mordechai. His cousin Esther who was in the court of King Artaxerxes risked her life to inform the King of Haman's plot. As a result the plot was exposed and reversed. Haman was overthrown, and the Jewish people were restored to great favor among in the Persian empire. Since that time the Feast of Purim has been added to the Jewish annual festivals and is celebrated each year to celebrate their escape from the plot to destroy them. (See Book of Esther.)

Because the Jewish people have a unique place in Gods' sovereign plan of redemption, the devil has sought over generations to frustrate their calling and annihilate them as a people. This is why each generation needs to learn the lessons of Purim. In every age we must ask ourselves: "Are we supportive of God's plan for Israel and the Jewish people or do we oppose it? Do we celebrate their unique place, or do we resent it?"

Today this murderous spirit ( as in the days of Esther) is calling for the annihilation of the Jewish People. Once again it is centered in Persia (Iran) and its aim is identical to Haman’s and Hitler's - annihilate and destroy Israel the Jewish People.

This is actually the stated aim of the demonic Iranian regime and of it surrogates Hezbollah and Hamas. The issue of the war in Gaza is not the humanitarian disaster which has arisen from Israel's war of self-defense, but Iran and Hamas aim to destroy Israel completely. The big picture that statesmen, journalists and the people of the world need to answer is: "Are you supportive of Iran’s and Hamas' plan to destroy and annihilate the Israeli and Jewish people, or are you on the side of God's purpose to restore the Jewish people to their land, given to them by God from the days of Abraham?" (Genesis 12-17)

Sadly many of the journalists and politicians have lost sight of this big picture. Therefore they allow their concern for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza (caused largely Hamas using the local people as shields and surrogates and blocking and stealing much of the incoming aid) to justify support for those who are calling for the annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people.

Proclaim it around the world that no plot against Israel will ultimately succeed!
Proclaim it in the churches that we will not stand with the demonic, plans to destroy the people of God into who we have been grafted!
Proclaim it in the media that a disagreement with the policies of the Israeli army or government is no excuse to stand with those who call for their annihilation!

Many politicians lay wreaths at Auschwitz and other places that memorialize the Holocaust. Some of these same people later issue statements denouncing Israel and supporting those whose intentions are identical to those of Hitler. What unspeakable hypocrisy!

It is sad that the Church has not celebrated Purim over the centuries. In this way we would have educated our generations of the hatred that Israel and the Jewish people have faced from time immemorial and perhaps learned to oppose and avoid it.

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